Andrey F. Minov

Chief of Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care No.4 (with the recovery ward)
State Institution "Minsk scientific and practical center of surgery, transplantology and hematology"
Minsk, ul. Semashko, 8
Help Desk
+375 (17) 277-10-91
Reception Office of
the Chief Physician
+375 (17) 277-13-90
Paid Services
+375 (29) 688-26-96 (А1)+375 (17) 207-49-01
+375 (17) 277-29-39
+375 (17) 277-10-91
Приемная главного врача
+375 (17) 277-13-90
Платные услуги
+375 (17) 371-00-22
Chief of Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care No.4 (with the recovery ward)