Department of Blood Transfusion

Chief of the Department
Olga V. Levandovskaya
Phone: +375 (17) 376-87-37
The Department of Blood Transfusion is the basic unit of the blood service. The specialists of the department ensure the provision of blood components and effective and safe therapy in other divisions of the center. Donated blood cannot be replaced by any other remedy or medication. That is why, blood donation is one of the key activities of healthcare in Belarus.
The core activities of the department:
- to define potential blood donors among the group of population with a low risk of viral infections and include them into the blood donor database;
- to carry out laboratory testing of donors;
- to collect and process blood with a view to obtaining blood components (packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet-rich plasma);
- to quarantine fresh frozen plasma with a view to ensuring its safety;
- to store blood components at the optimal temperature;
- to provide divisions of the clinic with blood products (for the patients after organ and tissue transplantation, for the surgical patients, for the patients with hematological disorders, for the patients with the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).
To make the donated blood safer for the patients and to prevent adverse transfusion reactions, the specialists of the laboratory type the donated blood according to antigens of ABO, rhesus and KeLL systems.