State Institution "Minsk scientific and practical center of surgery, transplantology and hematology"

Minsk, ul. Semashko, 8

Help Desk
+375 (17) 277-10-91

Reception Office of
the Chief Physician
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Paid Services
+375 (29) 688-26-96 (А1)+375 (17) 207-49-01

+375 (17) 277-29-39

+375 (17) 277-10-91

Приемная главного врача
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Платные услуги
+375 (17) 371-00-22

About paid services


HLA-typing Laboratory


Chief of the Laboratory

Anna Y. Startseva

Phone: +375 (17) 376-20-33

HLA or tissue typing is used to decide on bone marrow or organ transplantation, to diagnose genetic disorders associated with genes of the major histocompatibility complex and some forms of infertility related to partners’ HLA.

The HLA laboratory was founded in 2010.

The core activities are:

  • serological, molecular and genetic HLA class I and II typing;
  • high resolution genotyping in case of bone marrow transplantation;
  • monitoring of pre-existing HLA antibodies.

The key methods:

  • serology;
  • SSP HLA-genotyping;
  • SSO HLA-genotyping

The specialists of the HLA laboratory type the donors of bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cells for the purpose of registering them in the city stem cell donor register, match donors and recipients for bone marrow transplantation (class I and II), type umbilical cord blood samples for the umbilical cord blood bank.

The HLA laboratory has the state-of-the-art equipment to extract DNA, carry out SSO HLA-genotyping and SSP HLA-genotyping of Class I and II HLA antigens and to monitor pre-existing HLA antibodies.

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