Laboratory of Cell Biotechnology

Chief of the Laboratory
Natalya I. Dedyulya
Phone: +375 (17)
Cell therapy has significantly developed in over the past ten years, in particular transplantation of stem cells (including mesenchymal stem cells of bone marrow and adipose tissue) to replace the damaged cells and tissues of the human body and to restore functions of various organs.
The key objectives of the laboratory:
- to receive, store and control the quality of cell material, including that of the patients with hematopoietic malignancies, with a view to using it for treatment of the patients of the 9th City Clinical Hospital;
- to culture stem cells with a view to obtaining allografts or autologous transplants of mesenchymal stem cells, including those of the patients with hematopoietic malignancies;
- to use directed differentiation of autologous and allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells with a view to obtaining specific cells and using them for treatment of the patients of the 9th City Clinical Hospital.
There is a cleanroom in the laboratory, where all manipulations with cell cultures are performed. The cleanroom has a sterile laminar airflow unit and additional sterile laminar flow benches. The equipment is advanced.
We offer such paid services as:
- preparation of a mesenchymal stem cell transplant from bone marrow for further transplantation to a patient with a hematopoietic malignancy or multiple sclerosis (for foreign citizens);
- preparation of a mesenchymal stem cell transplant from adipose tissue for further transplantation to a patient with a hematopoietic malignancy or multiple sclerosis (for foreign citizens).
The immunological, bacteriological tests and tests for viruses are included into the service price.
Note: mesenchymal stem cells are transplanted together with hematopoietic stem cells to treat the graft versus host reaction in case of allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells in the patients with hematopoietic malignancies. The doctor may use either autologous or allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells. Besides, mesenchymal stem cells may be used as a separate therapy or as a part of a combined therapy (with hematopoietic stem cells) in the patients with multiple sclerosis.