Immunohematology Unit
We carry out a range of immunohematological tests using the advanced equipment, i.e. Swing&Saxo system (DiaMed, Switzerland).
The list of tests performed at our unit:
- Blood group;
- Rhesus factor;
- Coombs test (test for alloantibodies IgG and Cd3 on the surface of the red blood cells);
- Complete antigen phenotyping (P1, Lea, Leb, Lua, Lub, k, pa, Kpb, Jka, Jkb, M, N, S, Fya and Fyb);
- Red blood cell phenotyping (tests for antigens according to Rhesus system, C (RH2), E (RH3), c (RH4) and e (RH5));
- ABO test for blood group and rhesus in newborns;
- Donor-recipient cross-matching for ABO compatibility.