State Institution "Minsk scientific and practical center of surgery, transplantology and hematology"

Minsk, ul. Semashko, 8

Help Desk
+375 (17) 277-10-91

Reception Office of
the Chief Physician
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Paid Services
+375 (29) 688-26-96 (А1)+375 (17) 207-49-01

+375 (17) 277-29-39

+375 (17) 277-10-91

Приемная главного врача
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Платные услуги
+375 (17) 371-00-22

About paid services


Department of Computed Tomography

Computed tomography of:

  • head;
  • facial skull;
  • neck;
  • chest;
  • abdomen;
  • pelvis;
  • spinal segment;
  • bones.

Indications for computed tomography

  • CT of head and neck
  • CT of lungs and mediastinum
  • CT of abdomen, pelvis and retroperitoneal space
  • CT of musculoskeletal system

Below is the list of medical specialists and healthcare providers entitled to refer the patients to a planned computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus; CEOs and chiefs of LPPViD; senior full-time and part-time specialists of the Health Care Committee; chiefs and chief medical officers of clinical hospitals, early treatment centers and diagnostic centers; directors of research institutes; chiefs of clinical departments, consultants of diagnostic centers; heads of the clinical departments of medical academies and Belarusian Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education. The above mentioned persons shall duly execute an order for examination (letter-headed paper, diagnosis, signature).

Information for Physicians

To undergo an examination, a patient shall provide:

  1. a referral;
  2. previous CT, MRI and X-ray results;
  3. 2 empty CD-Rs (manufactured by TDK);
  4. a sheet;
  5. to have a CT scan, a patient shall provide a referral. A physician may refuse to carry out a CT scan, if a patient has no relevant clinical indications hereto;
  6. pregnant women may have a CT scan only for life-saving indications;
  7. to have a CT scan of the abdomen, a patient shall provide the results of the abdominal ultrasound examination;
  8. to have a CT scan of the chest, bones and joints, a patient shall provide the results of the X-ray examination;
  9. a patient may have a CT scan only 7 days after contrast examinations of the gastrointestinal tract (irrigoscopy, X-ray examination of the stomach, small bowel series);
  10. to have a special CT scan (bolus contrast, CT angiography, contrast enhancement, etc), a patient shall get an approval from the chief of the department of computed tomography.

How to prepare for CT of the abdomen and retroperitoneal space?

The day before the CT scan a patient shall take a solution of iodinated contrast agent (Urafin, Urografin, etc.) To prepare a solution, a patient shall add one ampule (20 ml) of the contrast agent to one liter of water.

How to take the solution:

  • 1 glass of solution at 6.00PM the day before the CT scan;
  • 1 glass of solution at 11.00PM the night before the CT scan;
  • 1 glass of solution 3 hours before the CT scan;
  • 1 glass of solution immediately before the CT scan (please, take the solution with you)

A patient shall avoid eating for 6 hours before a CT scan of the abdomen and the retroperitoneal space. Drinking is allowed.

It is recommended to have a CT scan of the pelvis with a full urinary bladder. A patient is recommended to have a cleansing enema the day before the CT scan.

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