Department of Transplantation
Chief of the Department
Sergey V. Korotkov
PhD in Medicine
Phone: +375 (17) 376-82-93
Email: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Chief Nurse - Veronika Ch. Karpova (Phone: +375 17 277 18 41)
The department was established in 2010.
The specialists of the department provide a specialized medical care to the patients, who are on the liver/kidney/pancreas/intestine transplant waiting list. They carry out liver, kidney, pancreas and intestine transplantation and follow up the patients after such surgeries.
Types of surgeries:
- multi-organ retrieval (donor organs);
- liver, kidney, pancreas and intestine transplantation in adults and children;
- multi-organ transplantation (liver + kidney, kidney + pancreas);
- liver transplantation from a living related donor to a child;
- kidney transplantation to children and adults from living related donors;
- surgery for the transplanted organs in adults and children;
- surgery for various surgical disorders in children and adults, who underwent transplantation;
- pre-transplantation surgery in children and adults;
- surgery for liver, bile ducts and pancreas;
- surgery for the creation of complex vascular access with a view to performing hemodialysis.
The transplantation consultation room for outpatients, room of nephrology and room of diagnostic ultrasound are also the divisions of the Department of Transplantation.
The team of the department consists of experienced and highly-qualified medical specialists. They regularly undergo refresher courses and trainings in Germany, Belgium, UK and Russia, develop and implement new methods of diagnosis and treatment.
The indications for hospitalization to the Department of Transplantation:
- chronic diffuse liver diseases of terminal stages in children and adults;
- cancerous and benign liver tumors in children and adults;
- congenital pathology of the liver and bile ducts in children and adults;
- chronic diffuse kidney diseases of terminal stages in children and adults;
- congenital pathology of the kidneys and urinary tracts in children and adults;
- congenital metabolic disorders accompanied by a severe renal dysfunction;
- surgical and therapeutic disorders that may be cured only by organ transplantation.