Department of Cardiac Surgery

Chief of the Department, Higher Qualification Category Physician, PhD in Medicine, Associate Professor of the Department of Cardiac Surgery of Belarusian Medical Academy of Post Graduate Education
Aleksey Y. Ostrovsky
Phone: +375 (17) 276-90-65
e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Reception hours: Monday from 9.30AM to 12.00PM at the Chief’s room (Department of Cardiac Surgery). To schedule an appointment, please, call at the Chief’s number (see above).
To schedule a consultation, a patient needs a referral issued by a cardiac surgeon or a general practitioner at the outpatient clinic or a district/city center of cardiology.
Consultations are provided Monday through Friday
from 8.00AM to 2.00PM (even dates)
from 2.00PM to 8.00PM (odd dates)
To schedule a consultation, please, call at:
- +375 29 1662585 (Velcom);
- +375 33 3707844 (MTS).
on the days and hours specified above.
Location: 9th City Clinical Hospital, Block 1, 1st floor, Cardiac Surgeon’s room
At the consultation, a patient shall provide the following documents:
- a referral;
- an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) done within 3 months;
- coronary angiogram (+ CD) provided that it was made within 12 months.
The specialists of the Department of Cardiac Surgery carry out the following types of surgery:
Coronary Artery Bypass
- using a cardiopulmonary bypass;
- on a beating heart (off-pump surgery);
- through tiny incisions (minimally invasive surgery);
- hybrid surgery (coronary artery bypass + stenting);
- using arterial grafts;
- in a combination with other cardiac surgery.
Valve Repair Surgery
- implantation of mechanical and biological prosthesis;
- valve reconstruction (preserving the valve) under TEE monitoring;
- minimally invasive access.
Thoracic Artery Surgery
Before a planned operation, a patient shall undergo the relevant tests and examinations and provide the below documents and results:
- referral for hospitalization;
- coronary angiogram (+ CD), if applicable;
- Echocardiogram (heart ultrasound)
- Chest X-ray made within 6 months;
- Abdominal X-ray made within 3 months;
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy made within a month;
- Results of the dental checkup (full mouth debridement is required);
- Results of the gynecological checkup;
- Results of the tests for Hepatitis B, C, HIV and microprecipitation test (syphilis);
- Results of HbA1 glycated hemoglobin test
- CT and MRI results (+CD), if applicable.
Patients are admitted for planned operations at 9.00AM (please, refer to a nurse at the nurses station of the Department of Cardiac Surgery).
Important Information for Patients
- If a patient takes clopidogrel (Plavix, Zyllt, Clopilet, etc.) or prasugrel, the patient should stop taking the mentioned medications 5 days before the hospitalization;
- If a patient has any type of diabetes mellitus, the patient should thoroughly control blood sugar. Glycated hemoglobin shall not exceed 6.5% before a cardiac surgery. It is recommended to compensate the blood sugar level before the surgery. Higher level of glycated hemoglobin (over 6.5%) increases the risk of postoperative wound complications (abscess, non-union of the breast bone). The patient shall be aware and responsible for blood sugar level monitoring.
- Male patients weighting over 110 kg and female patients weighting over 90 kg are at the risk of postoperative wound complications (abscess, non-union of the breast bone). The patient shall be aware and responsible for weight monitoring.
- Chronic obstructive lung diseases increase the risk of postoperative wound complications (abscess, nonunion of the breast bone), pneumonia, respiratory failure. It is recommended to compensate pulmonary function before the surgery.
- Chronic dental infections considerably increase the risk of infective endocarditis (inflammation of heart valves) before surgery and prosthetic endocarditis (inflammation of heart valve prosthesis) after surgery. Prosthetic endocarditis is a life-threatening condition. That is why full mouth debridement (dental checkup and treatment) shall be done by the patients, who will undergo cardiopulmonary bypass and/or valve repair surgery.
- We encourage voluntary donation from a patient’s relatives or friends. All types of blood are accepted. To donate blood, please, visit the Department of Blood Transfusion (Chief’s room) from 8.00AM to 4.00PM on Monday-Friday.
- The citizens of the Republic of Belarus and other persons, having the same rights as the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, undergo cardiac surgery free of charge.