State Institution "Minsk scientific and practical center of surgery, transplantology and hematology"

Minsk, ul. Semashko, 8

Help Desk
+375 (17) 277-10-91

Reception Office of
the Chief Physician
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Paid Services
+375 (29) 688-26-96 (А1)+375 (17) 207-49-01

+375 (17) 277-29-39

+375 (17) 277-10-91

Приемная главного врача
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Платные услуги
+375 (17) 371-00-22

About paid services


Department of Cardiology No.3

Chief of the Department

Irina Va.Smirnova

Phone: +375 (17) 277-15-58

Our experienced and highly qualified specialists use the following methods to examine and treat the patients:

  • Echocardiography;
  • 24-hour Holter monitoring of ECG and blood pressure;
  • Cardiac stress test;
  • Treadmill test;
  • Ultrasound examinations;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Coronary angiography;
  • Radioisotope testing, X-ray, etc.

We provide the paid services to foreign citizens. We apply various therapies, laser therapy, physical therapy, etc. The specialists of the 2nd Department of Internal Diseases of Belarusian State Medical University provide consultations to the patients. Medical care is available 24/7.

There are enhanced comfort wards in the department. If the patients have high rehabilitation potential and relevant indications, they are referred to Aksakovshchina Republican Clinical Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation.

There is a congestive heart failure school at the department. The main activities of the school is to inform the patients of the disease, risk factors and complications, to teach the patients to take control of their health and to provide first aid to themselves in case of relapse of the disease. The medical specialists also provide tips, which may help cut down the risk factors, i.e. give up smoking, manage the stress, healthy eating, physical activity, etc.

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