State Institution "Minsk scientific and practical center of surgery, transplantology and hematology"

Minsk, ul. Semashko, 8

Help Desk
+375 (17) 277-10-91

Reception Office of
the Chief Physician
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Paid Services
+375 (29) 688-26-96 (А1)+375 (17) 207-49-01

+375 (17) 277-29-39

+375 (17) 277-10-91

Приемная главного врача
+375 (17) 277-13-90

Платные услуги
+375 (17) 371-00-22

About paid services

About us

On March 15, 2010 the Republican Research and Practice Center for Organ and Tissue Transplantation was established under the 9th City Clinical Hospital;

As of March 2016, 385 orthotopic liver transplantations (including 18 transplantations from a living related donor and 42 transplantations to children of age 1 to 17) were made, 367 liver resections (including those with vascular resection and reconstruction), 102 pancreatic resections, 39 laparoscopic splenectomies, 18 distal splenectomies and 111 intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS)


Our core activities:

  1.  consultations, treatment, specialized surgical and diagnostic care to the patients with the diseases of the liver, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen and other organs and systems accompanied by portal hypertension according to the referrals from the medical specialists of outpatient clinics, emergency, consultation and diagnosis centers and other healthcare providers of Minsk and the Republic of Belarus;
  2.  various types of liver resection in the patients with benign and malignant tumors, reconstructive surgery on bile ducts, pancreatoduodenal resections, including those with invasion into the portal and superior mesenteric veins, distal pancreatic resections with/without conservation of the spleen, Frey’s procedure, distal splenorenal shunts, liver transplantation from a living related donor or a deceased donor, laparoscopic surgery: splenectomy, liver resection, resection of liver and spleen cysts, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, intra- and preperitoneal hernia repair;
  3. admission of the patients referred to the center by the medical specialists of various healthcare providers of Minsk and the Republic of Belarus; development of treatment plans; referral of the patients with hepato-pancreato-biliary disorders and portal hypertension to treatment; coordination of medical care provision to the patients, who need liver transplantation, to the patients with hepato-pancreato-biliary disorders and portal hypertension;
  4. consultation, treatment, provision of surgical and diagnostic care to the patients, who need liver or intestine transplantation. Supervision at all stages: examination, transplantation and follow-up;
  5. examination and treatment of the patients placed on the liver transplant waiting list. Check up after transplantation and adjustment of treatment, if necessary;
  6. development of new techniques for liver/bile ducts/pancreas surgery, surgery for portal hypertension and liver/intestine transplantation and their use in clinical practice;
  7. urgent and emergency surgery in patients with portal bleeding;
  8. retrieval of liver, kidneys, pancreas or intestine from deceased donors in accordance with the applicable laws of the Republic of Belarus, the Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation Law of the Republic of Belarus and regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Healthcare Committee of Minsk City Executive Committee;
  9. clinical trials of new medical technologies and drugs;
  10. cooperation with healthcare providers of Minsk and clinics of the Republic of Belarus in arrangement of planned and urgent surgery in the patients who need organ or tissue transplantation, and the patients with the diseases of the liver, bile ducts, pancreas or portal hypertension.